Meaning of (निर्दट, निर्दड) nirdad in english

As noun : heavy Ex:  The pursuing party was delayed by difficult routes and heavy rains
virulent rowdy rough keen savage unmerciful stonyhearted hardhearted psycho crazy Ex:  George Dorn wonders early on if he "was in some crazy surrealist movie nut mental Ex:  Man cannot create himself or his mental states ex nihilo. nuts Ex:  L-carnitine is found in many nuts potty crackers neurotic maniac flake loony nutter unhinged round the twist up the wall off nut nincompoop up the pole cuckoo nutty as a fruit cake loon as nutty as a fruit cake off rocker round the bend off head brainsick off your trolley berserk needless superfluous Ex:  of Arboriculture superfluous branches that subtracts trees spare Ex:  Recreational Hours, spare time, leisure moments of a person who is usually busy spiteful vindictive ill disposed green Ex:  Red, white, blue, and green fireworks were launched along with his ashes.
As verb : irritated Ex:  Soothe irritated manes cracked Ex:  cracked voice, voice whose timbre is altered unbalanced
As adjective : fierce Ex:  It was a fierce melee violent Ex:  This led to violent outbursts of antisemitism in Vienna furious Ex:  Blind Ambition and furious turbulent Ex:  It also means, by exaggeration, one who makes that says extravagances or is gullible, foolhardy, or has a wild gaiety, turbulent raucous ferocious Ex:  Whoever among the ancient Romans, was intended to fight in the arena against ferocious beasts truculent aggressive Ex:  Adult males are the most aggressive acrid malignant strong Ex:  They all agree that he was very strong vicious Ex:  OLD also used to mark the Old habits, especially the vicious hard Ex:  The hard bop style coalesced in 1953 and 1954 cruel Ex:  This is a strange, cruel disgrace heartless merciless unfeeling unsympathetic insane mad Ex:  Horatio Alger had gone mad on drugs in Las Vegas. paranoid lunatic wacky demented moonstruck loco daft rabid loopy whacky barmy balmy nutty deranged redundant Ex:  In this last sentence, he was employed by a kind of redundant to give more energy to the sentence undue immaterial unneeded unwanted Ex:  Noise is a term often used to refer to an unwanted sound. unnecessary Ex:  Although the outcome of the battle made such an assault unnecessary uncalled for dispensable small time inessential gratuitous wasteful jealous Ex:  He's jealous of your fame, your power envious
Suggested : of great weight hard to lift or carry angered, provoked, or annoyed full of fury , violent passion, or rage extremely angry enraged acting with or characterized by uncontrolled, strong, rough force menacingly wild, savage, or hostile
Exampleनिर्दट, निर्दड का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(निर्दट, निर्दड) nirdad can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 14 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : nirdaTa, nirdaDa

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